Pipistrel, in cooperation with students from three universities, has developed the first charging station for electric airplanes.

As part of the project “By the Creative Path to Practical Knowledge“, which was going on from February to June under the mentorship of assist. Vanja Čok PhD. (LECAD Laboratory), development engineer Aljaž Pelicon (Pipistrel) and software engineer Črt Gorup (Pipistrel), the students from three Universities:
– the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Ljubljana: Tine Černač, Andraž Papež, Erik Rojec, Jaka Križ and Luka Šparovec,
– the University of Computer and Information Science: Rok Grmek and Jaka Kordež,
– and a student of Industrial Design at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Robert Cetina
in cooperation with Pipistrel developed the prototype of the first electric charging station for airplanes.

The goal of the project was the production and installation of a (public) charging station for electric airplanes, because the need for a stationary type of charging has been shown when charging electric aircraft in practice.

On 30.8. 2017 the electric charging station was officially launched at the Pipistrel company and used to charge an electric aircraft Alpha Electro.

The project was co-financed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport and the European Union from the European Social Fund.

Technical characteristics of the charging station:
– capable of charging two electric aircraft at the same time
– current strength: 2 x 20 kW
– charge speed: one hour to fully charge Alpha Electro
– operating voltage 3f 400V AC
– WiFi connection to the network


V sklopu projekta “Po kreativni poti do praktičnega znanja“, ki je potekal od februarja do junija so pod mentorstvom asist. dr. Vanje Čok (LECAD laboratorij) in razvojnega inženirja Aljaža Pelicona (Pipistrel) ter inženirja programske opreme Črta Gorupa (Pipistrel), so študentje Fakultete za strojništvo v Ljubljani: Tine Černač, Andraž Papež, Erik Rojec, Jaka Križ in Luka Šparovec, študenta Fakultete za računalništvo in informatiko: Rok Grmek in Jaka Kordež ter študentka industrijskega oblikovanja na Akademiji za likovno umetnosti in oblikovanje Roberta Cetina v sodelovanju s podjetjem Pipistrel razvili prototip prve električne polnilnice za letala. Cilj projekta je bila izdelava in postavitev (javne) polnilnice za električna letala, saj se je pri polnjenju električnih letal v praksi pokazala potreba po stacionarnem načinu polnjenja.

Dne 30.8. so v podjetju električno polnilnico slavnostno zagnali in z njo napolnili električno letalo Alpha Electro.

Projekt je sofinanciralo Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost in šport in Evropska unija iz Evropskega socialnega sklada.